Andre S to Eliza Sworn - 1911 Census household returns
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- Andre S to James Sale
- James Sale to Robert Edward Salter
- Robert George Salter to Albert Sanders
- Albert Sanders to Robert Sandford
- Robert Sandford to Edward Enoch Sargent
- Edward Frank Sargent to Hugh White Saunders
- Hugh William Charles Saunders to James Charles Savell
- John Savell to James Sayer
- James Sayer to Margaret Schaak
- Annie Schaal to Arthur Scholes
- Arthur Scholes to Catherine Scott
- Catherine Scott to Mark Scott
- Mark Scott to Mary Scriven
- Mary Scriven to Charles Seammen
- Charles William Seammen to George William Sedgwick
- George Willianm Sedgwick to William H Sellick
- William Henry Sellick to Frank Settle
- Fred Settle to Robert Shackleton
- Robert Shackleton to Benjamin Walter Sharp
- Benjamin William Sharp to William Sharpe
- William Sharpe to G Henry Shaw
- G W Shaw to Thomas Shaw
- Thomas Shaw to George Michael Sheen
- George William Sheen to Jane Shephard
- Jane Shephard to George Sheppard
- George Sheppard to Charles William Sherwood
- Charlotte Sherwood to Ernest John Shipp
- Esther Shipp to Harry Walter Morgan Short
- Harry William Short to Lilian Shuter
- Margaret Helena Shuter to Harry Silby
- Herbert Silby to Ellen Simmonds
- Ellen Simmonds to Clara Simons
- Clara Elizabeth Simons to John Simpson
- John Simpson to Patty Sims
- Percy Sims to Amelia Sivers
- Anne Sivers to Caroline Skinner
- Caroline Skinner to George William Slade
- George William Slade to John Slaughter
- John Slaughter to Henry Small
- Henry Small to James Smedley Junr
- William Smedley Senr to Alfred Thomas Smith
- Alfred Thomas Smith to Charles Smith
- Charles Smith to Edward Smith
- Edward Smith to Fanny Smith
- Fanny Smith to George Smith
- George Smith to Harry Smith
- Harry Smith to James Smith
- James Smith to John Smith
- John Smith to Joseph Smith
- Joseph Smith to Mary An Smith
- Mary An Smith to Robert Sidney Smith
- Robert Singleton Smith to Thomas Smith
- Thomas Smith to William Smith
- William Smith to William H Smith
- William H Smith to Isabell Snaith
- Isabella Snaith to Frederick Snowden
- Frederick Snowden to Mary Emma Soper
- Mary Georgina Soper to William Southwell
- William Southwell to Charles E Sparrow
- Charles E Sparrow to Mathew Spence
- Mathew Hudson Spence to Walter Spencer
- Walter Spencer to Louisa Spittle
- Lucy Spittle to Newton Sproson
- Oswald Sproson to George William Stacey
- George William Stacey to Harry Stallard
- Harry Stallard to Walter Staniland
- Walter Edwin Staniland to Rebecca Stanton
- Richard Stanton to Charles Start
- Charles Start to Elizabeth Martha Steel
- Ellen Steel to Charles Stenner
- Charles Stenner to George William Stephenson
- George William Stephenson to Frederick Stevens
- Frederick Stevens to George Grant Stevenson
- George H Stevenson to William Stewart
- William Stewart to Robert E Stock
- Robert Eglinton Stock to George Stokes
- George Stokes to Mary Stone
- Mary Stone to George Storey
- George Storey to Frederick Stracey
- George Stracey to William Henry Street
- William Henry Street to James Stroud
- James Stroud to Richard Stupple
- Sarah Stupple to Frederick Suggate
- Frederick Charles Suggate to Frederick Summersall
- Joseph Summersall to John Henry Sutcliffe
- John Henry Sutcliffe to Sarah Sutton
- Sarah Sutton to Alfred Swann
- Alfred Swann to Margaret Swift
- Margaret Swift to James William Sykes
- James William Sykes to Eliza Sworn