Robert Eglinton Stock to George Stokes - 1911 Census household returns
- Robert Eglinton Stock to Thomas Stock
- Thomas Stock to William Stock
- William Stock to William Robert Stock
- William Thomas Stock to Frederick Stockbridge
- Frederick Stockbridge to William Stockbridge
- William Stockbridge to Augusta Stockdale
- Beaumont Stockdale to Ernest Ayscough Stockdale
- Ernest Materton Stockdale to Harriet Hannah Preston Stockdale
- Harry Stockdale to Jemima Stockdale
- Jeremiah Stockdale to Jonathan Stockdale
- Joseph Stockdale to Reuben Stockdale
- Richard Stockdale to Thomas Stockdale
- Thomas Stockdale to William Stockdale
- William Stockdale to Caroline Elza Stocken
- Charles Stocken to Ben Stocker
- Benjamin Stocker to Emma Horsey Stocker
- Emma Jane Stocker to George Miles Stocker
- George Robert Stocker to John Stocker
- John Stocker to Rose Stocker
- Rowland Stocker to William Dimsdale Stocker
- William E Stocker to Edward Stockford
- Edwin Stockford to Arthur Stockham
- Arthur John Stockham to Thomas Stockham
- Thomas Stockham to Ellen Stockill
- Fred Stockill to John Stocking
- John Stocking to George Stockle
- Johann Jacob Stockle to Ellen Stockley
- Ellen Gittings Stockley to Harris Stockley
- Isaac Stockley to Levi Stockley
- Levi Stockley to Vesey Mangles Stockley
- Victor James Stockley to John Stockling
- Louisa Charlotte Stockling to Peter Sharphom Stockman
- R S Stockman to Alfred Stocks
- Alfred Booth Stocks to Charles Stocks
- Charles Stocks to Ellen Ann Stocks
- Emily Stocks to George Stocks
- George Stocks to Henry Stocks
- Henry Stocks to Jane Stocks
- Jane Stocks to John William Stocks
- John William Stocks to Margaret Stocks
- Maria Stocks to Robert Noble Stocks
- Robinson Stocks to Thomas Stocks
- Thomas Stocks to William Stocks
- William Stocks to Alfred Stockton
- Alfred Stockton to Emma Stockton
- Emma Stockton to Harry Stockton
- Harry Stockton to John Stockton
- John Stockton to Matthew Henry Stockton
- Myra Stockton to Thomas Stockton
- Thomas Stockton to William H Stockton
- William H Stockton to Beatrice May Stockwell
- Benjamin Stockwell to Elliot Stockwell
- Emily Stockwell to George Ephraim St Clair Stockwell
- George Henry Stockwell to Jane Stockwell
- Jane Stockwell to Priscilla Stockwell
- Ralph Ernest Stockwell to William Stockwell
- William Stockwell to John Stockwood
- John Arthur Stockwood to Frank Stoddard
- Frank Ralph Stoddard to William Stoddard
- William Stoddard to Ernest Stoddart
- Ernest Stoddart to Jane Stoddart
- Jane Stoddart to Joseph Stoddart
- Joseph Davied Stoddart to Thomas Stoddart
- Thomas Stoddart to John Henry Chigwidden Stoddern
- Thomas Stoddern to Kate Stofer
- Reginald George Stofer to Thomas Stoggatt
- Walter John Stoggell to Robert Stokel
- Robert Stokel to Thomas Stokell
- Thomas Stokell to Charles Stoker
- Charles Stoker to George Stoker
- George Stoker to James Francis Stoker
- James John Stoker to Jonathan Stoker
- Jonathan Stoker to Richard Stoker
- Richard Stoker to Thomas Stoker
- Thomas Stoker to William Stoker
- William Stoker to Albert Edmond Stokes
- Albert Eduard Stokes to Alfred Stokes
- Alfred Stokes to Amy Stokes
- Amy Stokes to Arthur Stokes
- Arthur Stokes to Barnett Stokes
- Ben Stokes to Charles Stokes
- Charles Stokes to Charles Edwin Stokes
- Charles Edwin Stokes to Cornelius Stokes
- Cornelius Stokes to Edward Stokes
- Edward Stokes to Eliza Stokes
- Eliza Stokes to Emanuel John Haris Stokes
- Emelia Rachel Stokes to Elizabeth Frances Stokes
- Ellen Stokes to Frank Amos Stokes
- Frank C Stokes to Frederick Stokes
- Frederick Stokes to George Stokes