William Younger to Edward Yoxall - 1911 Census household returns
- William Younger to Richard Mansell Younghughes
- Abraham Younghusband to Herbert William Younghusband
- J A Younghusband to Rebecca Younghusband
- Richard Younghusband to William Youngjohns
- William Henry Youngjohns to Arthur Owen Youngman
- Arthur S Youngman to Ellen H Youngman
- Ellen Mary Youngman to Frederick Thomas Hook Youngman
- Fredrick Youngman to Hannah Maria Youngman
- Hannah Primrose Youngman to Horace Youngman
- Hubert Youngman to John Robert Youngman
- John Walter Youngman to Robert James Youngman
- Robert Scaff Youngman to Walter Neal Youngman
- Wasley William Toolell Youngman to Woolf Youngman
- Charles Gustav Youngmark to Alice Youngs
- Alice Elizabeth Youngs to Bessie Youngs
- Caroline Youngs to Edward Youngs
- Edward Youngs to Ernest H Youngs
- Ernest Roland Youngs to George Youngs
- George Youngs to Harriet Youngs
- Harriet E Youngs to Hezekiah Youngs
- Horace Youngs to John Youngs
- John Youngs to Joseph George Youngs
- Joseph Jas Youngs to Reuben Youngs
- Robert Youngs to Sarah Youngs
- Sarah Youngs to Walter Ernest Youngs
- Walter J Youngs to William Youngs
- William Youngs to George Stevenson Youngson
- Harry Youngson to John William Younson
- Ralph Gray Younson to George Yourin
- Richard Stephen Yourin to Joseph Youson
- Walter Youson to Henry Yovell
- Ivy Dorothy Yovell to Albert Yowell
- James Yowell to Edward Yoxall