Percy Gordon Upjohn to Henry Cyril Upstone - 1911 Census household returns
- Percy Gordon Upjohn to Harry Uppard
- Thomas Uppard to Clem Upperton
- Clement Upperton to James Upperton
- James Thomas Upperton to Minerva Uppield
- William Upping to William Uppington
- Frederick Lyle Uppleby to Edgar Upsall
- Edmund James Upsall to Eva Annie Upsdale
- Frank Upsdale to Thomas Upsdell
- William George Upsdell to Fanny Upshall
- Frances Upshall to John C Upshall
- John James Upshall to William James Upshall
- William Tom Upshall to Harriet Upsher
- Henry Upsher to Albert Upson
- Albert Upson to Arthur Upson
- Arthur Upson to Charlotte Upson
- Cyril Upson to Ernest Upson
- Ernest Charles Henry Upson to George Upson
- George Upson to Henry Upson
- Henry Upson to John Upson
- John Upson to Richard Upson
- Richard John Upson to Thomas Upson
- Thomas Edward Upson to William Joseph Upson
- William N Upson to Edward Upston
- Harry Upston to Charles Thomas Upstone
- Charlotte Upstone to Henry Cyril Upstone