William Michael Pettipher to Silvester Philip - 1911 Census household returns
- William Michael Pettipher to Arthur Pettit
- Arthur Pettit to Edgar Pettit
- Edgar Richard Pettit to Frank Pettit
- Frank Pettit to George Charles Pettit
- George Edwin Pettit to Isabel Pettit
- Isabel Helena Courtenay Pettit to John Charles Pettit
- John George Pettit to Percy Pettit
- Peter Pettit to Thomas Pettit
- Thomas Pettit to William Pettit
- William Pettit to Albert Edward Pettitt
- Albert Richard Pettitt to Charles Pettitt
- Charles Pettitt to Elizabeth Pettitt
- Elizabeth Pettitt to Frederick Leonard Pettitt
- Frederick M Pettitt to Harriet Eliza Pettitt
- Harriett Pettitt to James Pettitt
- James Pettitt to John Henry Pettitt
- John Marshy Pettitt to Pierce Pettitt
- Ralph Pettitt to Thomas Pettitt
- Thomas Pettitt to William Alfred Pettitt
- William Curtis Pettitt to Frances Pettman
- Frances Pettman to William Chard Pettman
- William Henry Pettman to Charles William Petts
- Charlotte Jane Petts to Harry Petts
- Harry Petts to Philip Petts
- Ramah Petts to Abraham Petty
- Abraham Petty to Arthur R Petty
- Arthur Sydney Petty to Edgar Petty
- Edgar James Petty to Esther Petty
- Esther Petty to George Petty
- George Petty to Henry Petty
- Henry Petty to Jane Ann Petty
- Jeremiah Abbott Petty to John Thomas Petty
- John Thomas Petty to Mary Petty
- Mary Petty to Samuel Petty
- Samuel Benn Petty to Walter Petty
- Walter Petty to William Henry Petty
- William Henry Petty to Margaret Alice Petyt
- Sylvester Petyt to William Peveral
- Burnett Downing Peverall to Isabella Peverett
- Jane Peverett to Robert Peverley
- Robinson Peverley to Charles Pewneddocke
- Emil Pewny to Henry James Pewtress
- Herbert W Pewtress to Robert Walsham Pexton
- Russell Pexton to Archibald John Peyton
- Arthur Peyton to Josiah Peyton
- Juliet Agnes Peyton to Richard Pezzack
- William Pezzack to Henry Pfeiffer
- Henry Pfeiffer to Christopher W Pfliger
- Emily Jane Pflinger to William Phair
- William Phair to William George Pharaoh
- Samuel Pharaoh Jun to Tom Pharo
- Walter Pharo to Henry Phasey
- Ijames Percy Phasey to Arthur Reuben Pheasant
- Augusta Pheasant to William A Pheasant
- William Henry Pheasant to William Thomas Phebey
- Albert Pheby to Catherine Phelan
- Catherine Phelan to Joseph Phelan
- Joseph Phelan to William Henry Phelan Junr
- David Phelar to Albert Phelps
- Albert Phelps to Benjamin Phelps
- Benjamin Phelps to Eber Phelps
- Edgar Phelps to Francis Philip Phelps
- Frank Phelps to George F Phelps
- George F Phelps to Hezekiah Phelps
- Hubert Phelps to John Phelps
- John Phelps to Margaret Phelps
- Margaret Phelps to Sam Lister Phelps
- Samuel Phelps to Thomas Phelps
- Thomas Frederick Phelps to William Phelps
- William Phelps to Winstone Harry Phelps
- Wintour Phelps to Alexander Walter M Pherson
- David M Pherson to William Pheysey
- William Pheysey to George Philbey
- George Philbey to Michael Philbin
- Myles Philbin to John Philbrock
- John J Philbrock to Emily Philcox
- Ernest James Philcox to Henry Phililips
- Robert Philin to Silvester Philip