Elizabeth Sarah Nickells to John Leonard Niel - 1911 Census household returns
- Elizabeth Sarah Nickells to Elizabeth Nickels
- Ernest Nickels to Luther Cephas Nickels
- Margaret Nickels to Ernest Nicken
- William Thomas Nickens to George Nickerson
- George Nickerson to Richard Nicketts
- Katherine Nickey to Richard Nicklason
- Catherine Nickle to James Nicklen
- Jessie Nicklen to Alfred John Nickless
- Ann Nickless to Henry Nickless
- Henry Nickless to Wilfred Nickless
- William Nickless to Ann Nicklin
- Ann Nicklin to Edward Nicklin
- Edward Nicklin to Frederick Nicklin
- Frederick Charles Nicklin to Henry Benjamin Nicklin
- Henry Francis Nicklin to John Nicklin
- John Nicklin to Joseph Robert Nicklin
- Joseph William Nicklin to Samuel Henry Nicklin
- Samuel James Nicklin to William Nicklin
- William Nicklin to Rebecca Nicklonson
- Annie Nicklosom to Charles Nickolls
- Charles Nickolls to Richard George Nickolls
- Robert Nickolls to John E Nickols
- John Henry Nickols to John Thomas Nickolson
- John W H Nickolson to John Nicks
- John Nicks to Arnold Nickson
- Arnold James Nickson to Frances Joseph Nickson
- Frances May Nickson to Hugo Nickson
- Isaac Nickson to John Thomas Nickson
- John W Nickson to Richard Wigley Nickson
- Richards Nickson to William Nickson
- William Nickson to Alexander Nicol
- Alexander Nicol to Christopher Nicol
- Christopher Nicol to George Henry Nicol
- George Henry Nicol to James C Nicol
- James C Nicol to Marie Louise Nicol
- Martha Ann Nicol to Sarah Nicol
- Sarah Nicol to Angelo Nicola
- Francesco Nicola to Agnes Elizabeth Nicole
- Ann Nicole to Albert William Nicoll
- Alexander Nicoll to Frank Nicoll
- Frederick Nicoll to James Alexander Nicoll
- James Carr Nicoll to Robert Cathmoir Nicoll
- Robert Charles Nicoll to Alfred C Nicolle
- Alfred E E Nicolle to Herbert Nicolle
- Herbert Nicolle to Phillipe Nicolle
- Philip E Nicolle to Gustavus William Nicolls
- Harriet E Nicolls to Septimus Nicols
- Walter Nicols to John Nicolson
- John Nicolson to Janet Nidd
- John George Nidd to Emma Ann Nieass
- Henry Nieass to John Leonard Niel