Lillian Beatrice Mcloughlin to George Mcpherson - 1911 Census household returns
- Lillian Beatrice Mcloughlin to Pat Mcloughlin
- Pat Mcloughlin to Thomas Mcloughlin
- Thomas Mcloughlin to Michael Mclouglan
- Michael Mclouglin to Agnes Elizabeth Mclynn
- Ellen Mclynn to Catherine Mcmahon
- Cecilia Mcmahon to Frederick Vincent Mcmahon
- Frederick William Mcmahon to James Mcmahon
- James Alfred Patrick Mcmahon to John Mcmahon
- John Mcmahon to Mary Mcmahon
- Mary Mcmahon to Peter Mcmahon
- Peter Mcmahon to Thomas Mcmahon
- Thomas Mcmahon to John Mcmakon
- John Mcmakon to John William Mcmann
- John William Mcmann to John Mcmanns
- John Mcmanns to Charles Mcmanus
- Charles Mcmanus to Harriet Mcmanus
- Harry Mcmanus to John Mcmanus
- John Mcmanus to Patrick Mcmanus
- Patrick Mcmanus to Matthew Hedley Mcmarter
- Elizabeth Mcmarth to John Mcmaster
- John Mcmaster to Thomas Mcmath
- William Mcmath to Archibald Mcmeiken
- James Mcmeiken to Nicholas Mcmennum
- Imrs Alice Mcmenus to Agnes Mcmillan
- Agnes Mcmillan to Donald Mcmillan
- Donald Mcmillan to Hugh Mcmillan
- Hugh Mcmillan to John Mcmillan
- John Mcmillan to Matilda Mcmillan
- Matthew Mcmillan to William Mcmillan
- William Mcmillan to James Mcmillers
- Alice Mcmillian to Robert Ingles Mcminn
- Samuel Mcminn to Walter Mcmorran
- William Mcmorran to Alexander Mcmullen
- Alexander Mcmullen to James Mcmullen
- James Mcmullen to Samuel Mcmullen
- Sarah Mcmullen to John Mcmullin
- John Mcmullin to Robert Crawford Mcmurdie
- Stanley Robert Mcmurdie to James Mcmurray
- James Mcmurray to William John Mcmurray
- William John Mcmurray to Elijah Mcnab
- Elizabeth Mcnab to William Mcnabb
- William Mcnabb to John William Mcnair
- Lindsay John Mcnair to Charles Mcnally
- Charles Mcnally to George Mcnally
- George Mcnally to John Mcnally
- John Mcnally to Margaret Mcnally
- Margaret Mcnally to Robert Mcnally
- Robert Francis Mcnally to William John Mcnally
- William John Mcnally to Eugene Mcnamara
- Emmeline Mcnamara to John Mcnamara
- John Mcnamara to Michael Mcnamara
- Michael Mcnamara to Thomas Mcnamara
- Thomas Mcnamara to Benjamin Mcnamee
- Caroline Mcnamee to Hugh Mcnamel
- James Mcnamera to Hugh Mcnaught
- Hastings S Mcnaught to Ebenezer Mcnaughton
- Edgar Ayling Mcnaughton to Stewart Mcnaughton
- Susannah Mcnaughton to Mary Ann Mcneal
- Percy Mcneal to Patsey Mcneela
- Gertrude D Mcneelay to Charles Mcneil
- Charles Mcneil to James B Mcneil
- James Banks Mcneil to Robert Gilmore Mcneil
- Roderick Mcneil to Agnes Mcneill
- Albert James Mcneill to Henry Mcneill
- Henry Mcneill to Mary Mcneill
- Mary Ann Mcneill to James S Mcneish
- John Mcneish to William Thomas Mcnerney
- Edward Mcnersey to Michael Mcnichol
- Nicholas Mcnichol to Thomas Mcnicholas
- Thomas Mcnicholas to Jessie Amelia Mcnicol
- John Mcnicol to Maggie Mcniell
- Patrick Mcniell to Albert Mcnolty
- John Mcnolty to Ellen Mcnulty
- Eugene Mcnulty to John Mcnulty
- John Mcnulty to Misses Mary Mcnulty
- Myles Mcnulty to Frank Mcnutty
- James Mcnutty to James Mcowen
- James Mcowen to Thomas Mcpartlan
- Ann Mcpartland to Blanche Mcphail
- Catherine Mcphail to James Mcphee
- James Mcphee to Arthur Mcpherson
- Arthur Mcpherson to George Mcpherson