Andrew Jeffrey to William Jellicoe - 1911 Census household returns
- Andrew Jeffrey to Charles Jeffrey
- Charles Jeffrey to Edward Jeffrey
- Edward Jeffrey to Ernest Jeffrey
- Ernest Augustus Jeffrey to George Jeffrey
- George Jeffrey to Harry Burton Jeffrey
- Harry Byron Jeffrey to James Jeffrey
- James Jeffrey to John Jeffrey
- John Jeffrey to John George Mowbray Jeffrey
- John Henry Jeffrey to Lavinia Jeffrey
- Leonard Jeffrey to Norman Stuart Jeffrey
- Obed Jeffrey to Samuel Jeffrey
- Samuel Jeffrey to Thomas C Jeffrey
- Thomas Charles Jeffrey to William Jeffrey
- William Jeffrey to William Fredrick Jeffrey
- William G Jeffrey to Alice Jeffreys
- Amy Constantia Jeffreys to David Walter Jeffreys
- Dd D Jeffreys to Frederick Hbt Jeffreys
- Frederick Vaugham Jeffreys to James Jeffreys
- James Jeffreys to Joshua Jeffreys
- Julia Jeffreys to Richard J Jeffreys
- Richard Juluis Jeffreys to Wallace Jeffreys
- Walter Jeffreys to Willie Wyndham Jeffreys
- William Jeffreys to Ann Selina Jeffries
- Annie Jeffries to Charles Jeffries
- Charles Jeffries to Edmund Jeffries
- Edward Jeffries to Emma Jeffries
- Emma Jeffries to Frederick John Jeffries
- Frederick Samuel Jeffries to George James Jeffries
- George James Jeffries to Henry Jeffries
- Henry Jeffries to James Jeffries
- James Jeffries to John Jeffries
- John Jeffries to Joseph Henry Jeffries
- Joseph Henry Jeffries to Mary Ann Jeffries
- Mary Elizabeth Jeffries to Rosa Seckerson Jeffries
- Rose Annah Jeffries to Thomas Jeffries
- Thomas Jeffries to William Jeffries
- William Jeffries to William Jeffries
- William A Jeffries to James Jeffry
- James Jeffry to Albert Jeffs
- Albert Jeffs to Arthur William Jeffs
- Arthur William Jeffs to Elijah Jeffs
- Eliza Jeffs to Frederick Jeffs
- Frederick Jeffs to Harry Jeffs
- Harry Jeffs to James Henry Jeffs
- James Montaque Jeffs to John William Jeffs
- John William Jeffs to Oscar Jeffs
- Osmond George Jeffs to Sarah Jeffs
- Sarah Jeffs to Walter Jeffs
- Walter Jeffs to William George Jeffs
- William George Jeffs to Algernon Seymour Jeggo
- Charles Jeggo to James Jehan
- John Jehan to Richard Jehu
- Richard Jehu to William Arthur Jelbart
- William John Jelbart to Frederick Richard Jelf
- George Jelf to Abel Jelfs
- Albert Jelfs to James Arthur Jelfs
- James William Jelfs to Benjamin Jell
- Clara Susanah Jell to George Jellett
- George Jellett to Charles Jelley
- Charles Jelley to Frederick George Jelley
- Frederick Robert Jelley to Herbert John Jelley
- Hugh Jelley to Mary Ann Jelley
- Mary Ann Jelley to Walter William Jelley
- William Jelley to Henry Jelleyman
- Henry Jelleyman to William Jellicoe